THE SEED OF AMERICAN SIN IS THE INSTITUTION OF SLAVERY. All ills spring from this. When we take a sober look at the institution of slavery and study its effects on institutions today, we will have clarity to acknowledge it & repair it. Every cultural grievance was acknowledged and reconciled and repaired in some way: The Germans with the Jews, Apartheid in South Africa--America is younger than both of these countries. There is growth possible-but is it progressive postive growth or is it like the growth of a virus? Sankofa tells us we must look and understand out past to move forward.
I consider myself like a war medic. I support my comrades on the frontlines but I feel led to be like a pit stop/ tire change/ fueling stations. Ever reminding us to recharge, release, reset, and heal. To be mindful that our hearts aren't hardening in this marathon to freedom. Otherwise we become poisoned by the very hate we are fighting against. The radical act of alchemy. How can we use this poison as medicine?
I also believe its time that our allies join the fight. This curse is not just in the bloodlines of the African descendants, but it's also in the bloodlines of the colonizers, the bloodlines of the cowboys who murdered the first American nations, the Puritan bloodline, the slave owner and overseer bloodlines. There is the seed of hatred that runs through the bloodlines and it must be seen, exorcised and healed. Our healed white human brothers and sisters must care for their own who are lost in ignorance. It is their turn as well to end these generational curses and plant seeds of a new way of considering human life.
And Black people, we must become the people we desire to be seen as. WHOLE. HEALTHY. FREE.
We are no different than our brothers and sisters in prison but their institution is made of steel. Their guards keep them in a state of disempowerment and fear. Nothing is set in prison for healthy being or growth. It is a holding container for dehumanization and free labor. It is NOT a place for forgiveness, rehabilitation, and healing. How we treat our criminals reflects our true nature. When we make the bars invisible and mental, when we give the illusion of freedom but the guards are now in banks, police stations, retail shops, public service organizations, and funded privately, are we really free? Or are we in the most sophisticated prison system of all time?
There are new slave masters. And as much as Nate Turner & Harriet Tubman were needed, once we are physically free, how will we freed from the mental institution of slavery?
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