Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Allison Semmes, Inc.

God Bless Temp Work. It's an opportunity to sit down at a desk and be selectively productive, meet new people, and serve in a momentary way. Today I'm temping at a Philanthropic Fund and there is a large conference happening with everyone for training and interviews happening as well. The kitchen is pretty largely stocked and the people are super nice...with an exception of a few rotten apples in the bunch but because I will NEVER EVER EVER see these people again, I feel healthily detached. Those who are kind and we have a lovely connection with is a passing blessing. Those who don't are like flies at a picnic...hehehe....I'm learning to not be so attached and accept things as the transient things that they are. 

Anywho, the idea of sitting at a screen in a work environment is lovely because it gives me time to sit and really evaluate what is important and what is part of the Business of ME. I am not only a receptionist of this company but it opens my eyes to how I can be a receptionist in the company of ME. What am I receiving, how am I distributing information, how am I managing the flow. I  am reminded how to be a gainful employee and employer of Allison Semmes, Inc. 
This is a whole mindset shift, I feel like I should have done it years ago...but better late than never. 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Baby's FIRST commercial

Wow...I just shot my first commercial ad with Macy's! And I am a SAG-AFTRA member now. I feel so accomplished! The shoot was yesterday and it was a whole new exciting world. I felt like a model...well, because I WAS one...I am a model. It's hard for me to grasp this but I am. And I think the camera likes me! We had three looks and we filmed each one on three different locations in the iconic DUMBO, and then had some "stills" in the same location. I can't wait to see them!! I was finally apart of the camera crews that I would see on the streets on NY! Someone was there to stop the flow for traffic as I had a camera crew of about 8 people along with a black van of about 5 people watching the work from a screen inside. WOW! As the day progressed, I got more self conscious but then I got more comfortable in front of the camera. I'm so excited to know that this is a world that I can thrive in! And what a HELLOVA first commercial experience-MACY'S - a HUGE brand! Although, in actuality my first real commercial (non-union) was for Black Opal fade cream when I was right out of school. That kinda felt like an I love Lucy Vitameatavegimen commercial--hahah without getting drunk lol...gosh, that reminded me of how much I LOVE Lucille Ball. Like I literally LOVE LUCY! She was such a HAM and was one of my main HAM inspirations!
Anyway, I'm ignited by the new world of commercial that I've stepped into and I can't wait to see where I go in it! I'm trusting in myself more and more everyday. By 2020, I should be unstoppable!!