Friday, August 30, 2024


 Costa Rica has been so wonderful. I have to leave a week earlier because of the Disney physical exam for the cruise. I want to stay here forever...Already, everyday has been extraordinary. I've gone to the beach everyday and communed with Mother and she's been gentle playful or fierce! I went with the Monkey King and Adam and spent the day with them. Got some of his magical cacao mushroom concoction and it felt so good to sit with these beautiful Black men and hear them lecture and discuss always was a lot bc there was strong masculine energy and I had to yield...he talked about women naturally being subservient to men, us wanting men who were like us as opposed to stronger mentally physically and emotionally sound. At first I strongly disagreed but I realized that when I am at my most ease, I'm not leading. I'm usually being led and I can just relax and surrender to a force that I love and trust. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Pura Vida Day 2

 Good Morning....from the buzzing jungle of Cocles...

The sound of howling monkeys, tweeting birds, crickets, roosters, and random coos from some kind of creature...My sleep was deep and vivid...dreaming about getting the BEST braided style I've ever had...and I woke up to a slightly tight scalp..remembering that I was in fact rocking a dope crochet...My dream also was of me telling me mother off in a way that was surprising cathartic and she was extremely was like she had an ah-ha moment to everything I said...but upon awaking, the line she always tells me from "the book of aging" tell a person off about themselves and they will think...they will think about killing you.... in the loud natural buzz of this jungle...somehow, real life seems more intersteing than my dreams so  ----WHOA!!  in this moment I'm surrounded by cacklingtwerping birds fluttering about inthe  surrounding can't wait to be here forever...okay not forever...but at least for a month...I'm so glad I am here...

Since I hopped on the Caribe Shuttle yesterday morning and it was completely empty, a personal 5 hour shuttle with a handsome Costa Rican...Alvaro...I knew...ooooh I just saw 4 little howler monkeys climb to a sway treetop to hang out and eat....this place is magicalllll its just simply filled with life...even the GIANT BEETLE that made it's way to the middle of my kitchen and perched out all night without moving an inch...when I moved the carpet it was half on, it slowly extended one of his legs to if it was doing a morning stretch...and stayed put!!It was so big...and just interesting looking...I just left him there...I shall call him...Layre...

When I arrived to the location there were tons of vultures perched on top the gate and a few feasting on a carcass not to far from the entrance...uh...okay...because I see signs in everything...that must mean...EEEE the horse is nearby...I just heard him blow his lips and I hear this feet clomp around....*sigh*...back to my original thought the vultures must mean that even death has a purpose in the circle of life...somethings feed on what had died and that there is nothing to fear because everything belongs...but it also made me buck up and muster my life force cuz YALL aint for me! I have a strong pumping heart and I'm still room wasn't ready and I wasn't called until 4pm (a whooping 5 hours) so I took the bicycle into town after getting lost for several hours...turning down trails that turned into dead ends...then a turtle crossed my path and I immediately slowed down

Just finished my second Yin Yoga class and we focused on the hips- with the matching meridians of the gall badder and liver...where we store frustration/anger/rage/criticism. Yesterday's yin session was heart opening and I was weeping at how grateful I was to go so deeply within myself. I deserved this deep inner time to release... to be continued...